Title: Benji's Favorite Dog Tales Collection ( Benji Off The Leash, Castle Rock, Miracle Dogs Too & The Retrievers )
Format: DVD
Brand: Gaiam
Genre: Children, Family, Animals ( Dog )
UPC: 018713544100
Special Notes: Fullscreen, 4 Movies, 2 DVD Set
Condition: New With Factory Shrink Wrap
Original Release Date: 2000, 2001, 2004, 2006
DVD Release Date: 2009
Benji Off The Leash Summary:
Three unlikely, unsuspecting souls who come face-to-face with that moment in their lives when they must stand and be counted. For Sheldon, it's difficult because he doesn't appear to be the brightest guy in the world (although he might be the funniest). For Colby, it's even more difficult because he's only 14 years old, and up against enormous odds. For Benji, it's almost impossible--because, after all, he's just a dog, lost and alone, with nothing but a belligerent bird and a bungling stray mutt to help. A band of unlikely comrades, brought together by the least likely of the bunch, for a common, courageous purpose. Things will change. Lives will be saved. Because Benji is off the leash!
Castle Rock Summary:
A teenage girl and her dog are stranded in the desert. With the help of a young illegal immigrant on the run, they try to make it out alive together.
Miracle Dogs Too:
Zack, a young boy, finds two cocker spaniels caged in the woods and takes them home. The animals, Sissy and Buddy, have magical healing powers that change the people of a small town.
The Retrievers Summary:
Soon after the Lowry Family - Tom, his wife Karen, and their two children, Liz and Widdy - leave the big city and move to the small Northern California town of Placerville, they are 'adopted' by a very clever, yet lovable, stray golden retriever - Pilot. It's not long before they discover that Pilot is pregnant. The Lowry family, and especially Liz and Widdy, grow very close to the puppies during their weaning period. But Tom makes it clear that, like most families, they must give away the puppies after they've been weaned. It's particularly hard on Liz and Widdy, but they manage to give all the puppies away, and it's funny and fascinating to see who shows up at the Lowry residence to adopt a puppy. However, Pilot is determined to get her puppies back, and the Lowry Family must endure a comical series of events that make them realize that life is just not the same without the puppies. But retrieving six puppies from people you don't even know is no easy task. And soon, Tom Lowry finds he must choose between his job or his family. With Pilot in the lead, the Lowry's set off on a quest to retrieve Pilot's puppies - an adventure that ultimately leads them into the realization of what it really means to be a family.