One of the most powerful love spells one can cast. An Obsession Spell is more than boundless love and less than madness. Whoever casts this spell will leave its powerful effects on the targeted person.
1. It will make the targeted person think only about you 24X7. Your images will stay in his/her mind all the time regardless day or night.
2. The targeted person will become so obsessed with you that he/she has to contact you.
5. The person will start to want to contact you at each time s/he thinks about you
6. The targeted person will fall head over heals with you, the more you cast this spell.
7. You may control the level of obsession by not casting this spell so often.
This printable spell recipe was created by Gloria Hammond. Copyright does not transfer upon being sold.
It cannot be distributed without the consent of the creator, Gloria Hammond
It is for personal use only. It cannot be redistributed or sold personally.