Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: 1.agnus dei.2.ave verum corpus.3.largo.4.sweet hour of prayer.5.adoro te devote.6.dear lord and father.7.ubi lovely are the messengers of peace.9.air for sunday worship.10.softly and tenderly.11.lead me,lord.12.pange lingua.13.laudate dominun.14.if ye love me.15.rock of ages.16.sanctus.17.jesu,joy of man's desiring.18.lo,how a rose.19.o,rest in the paradisum.21.come,my way.22.cantique de jean racine.23.what a felliwship.24.tantum ergo.25.pie jesu.26.rejoice,ye pure in heart.27.on the wings of a dove.28.all through the amen.30.widor toccata.