Measures 6-3/16" X 8-1/4", 2-sided, 4-color on front, 2-color on rear.
As part of our duties as members of the Cub Scouts of America and the Boy Scouts of America, we children were handed out bundles of these "get out the vote" doorknob hangers, and assigned to go around our communities, hanging them from the doorknobs of neighbors, many of whom were strangers to us. (Oh, those naive 1950s and early 1960s!) These door hangers were produced not only by the Boy Scouts Of America, but by the Freedoms Foundation of Valley Forge, PA; and the colorful front side reads: "HEED SCOUTING'S CALL," "RING THE BELL FOR LIBERTY," "BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA," "FREEDOMS FOUNDATION," "VOTE AS YOU THINK BUT VOTE!", "NOVEMBER 8, 1960," and "I WILL vote. . .will YOU?" While the rear side reads: "USE YOUR FREEDOM TO VOTE -- VOTE FOR WHAT'S GOOD FOR AMERICA," "SCOUT OATH: On my honor I will do my best / To do my duty to God and my country / and to obey the Scout Law; / To help other people at all times; / To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.;" "The Scout Law: A Scout is trustworthy. . .loyal. . .helpful. . .friendly. . .courteous. . .kind. . .obedient. . .cheerful. . .thrifty. . .brave. . .clean. . .reverent."; "THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE;" "POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC RIGHTS Which Protect The Dignity And Freedom Of The Individual;" "Right To Worship God In His Own Way," "Right To Free Speech And Press," "Right To Assemble," "Right To Petition For Grievances," "Right To Privacy In Our Homes," Right Of Habeas Corpus -- No Excessive Bail," "Right To Trial By Jury -- Innocent Till Proved Guilty," "Right To Move About Freely At Home And Abroad," "Right To Own Private Property," "Right To Free Elections And Personal Secret Ballot," "Right To Work In Callings And Localities In Our Choice," "Right To Bargain With Our Employers And Employees," "Right To Go Into Business, Compete, Make A Profit," "Right To Bargain For Goods And Services In A Free Market," "Right To Contract About Our Affairs," Right To The Service Of Government As A Protector And Referee," " Right To Freedom From Arbitrary Government Regulation And Control," "CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT Designed To SERVE The People," "FUNDAMENTAL BELIEF IN GOD," "To Maintain The American Way Of Life And Pass It Intact To Succeeding Generations Is The Responsibility Of Every True American," SHOW YOUR INTENTION TO VOTE. PLEASE TAPE OR TACK THIS IN YOUR WINDOW WHERE THE BELL CAN BE SEEN> GET OTHERS TO VOTE," "BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA and FREEDOMS FOUNDATION AT VALLEY FORGE," "CUB SCOUT / BOY SCOUT / EXPLORER (blank line for Scout's name)," "PACK/ TROOP / POST (blank line for group number)."
Whew -- pretty heady stuff for a 13 year old!
Shipping charges include postage (including USPS Tracking on domestic shipments), packaging materials, labor & fuel (the nearest post office is 14 MILES away!); but I do combine shipping charges on multiple items -- so fill up that cart NOW an' save some $$$!