For Stroke Patients - Symbols Picture Communication Helps Adults with Speech Difficulties from Stroke, Aphasia, Dysphasia, Brain Injury.
Our communication table, chart, map helps people with speech problems with brain injury or stroke, dysphasia or aphasia. Can be used at any age for people with aphasia or dysphasia.
  • Size:  12"х16"    30cm х 40cm
People who are unable to speak due to stroke, intubation, or brain injury can still indicate their needs using our Stroke table, chart, map. A communication table, chart, map with special signs and words helps adults with speech disabilities, aphasia or dysphasia, as well as non-English-speaking adults, to express their feelings and needs. Our communication table, chart, mapis ideal for people with stroke or brain injury.
Relevant image symbols allow users to communicate and indicate choices of their feelings, health, basic needs, personal care, food, drink, food option, and others to support the activities of daily life.
People with speech difficulties as a result of stroke, dementia, brain injury, or disability will appreciate the ability to make choices using a symbol-based communication table, chart that matches their daily needs. Users simply point to pictures using their finger or stylus to indicate their choice.

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You can contact us 24/7 directly through the messages for support and suggestions.
We will reply within 48 hours.