Highlights of this issue include cover photo and 3 page article about actress ROXIE ROKER of the TV show "THE JEFFERSONS" & husband SY KRAVITZ, parents of singer-songwriter LENNY KRAVITZ, also with photos of FRANKLIN COVER, & NED WERTIMER; 1 column article about LESLIE UGGAMS, also with photo of her when she was 6 years old on the TV show "BEAULAH"; 4 page article about famous African American celebrities whose side-lines didn't work out, featuring MUHAMMAD ALI, SAMMY DAVIS Jr., SUGAR RAY ROBINSON, DICK GREGORY, JOE LOUIS, LOU BROCK, REDD FOXX, MAHALIA JACKSON; 7/8s page article about O. J. SIMPSON filing for divorce from MARGUERITE SIMPSON; one column article about singer PHYLLIS HYMAN; full page photo of composer & bandleader MERCER ELLINGTON & girlfriend Lene with their son PAUL ELLINGTON full page photo of actor RICHARD ROUNDTREE; full page photo of actor CLARENCE MUSE with wife ONA; full page ad for the record " CHERYL LYNN" by CHERYL LYNN; plus many other stories and photos.
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