This Listing is for (1) ONE NEW Genuine IBM Standard Rack Power Cord 39M5508 - C13 to C14 6 Foot (2 Meter)

These are NEW UNUSED
Sat in storage in a box
Still twist tied from the factory

Cord Feature

1422 (A)

6458 (A) (B) (F)

6459 (E)

6671 (C)

6672 (D)

5802 (F)

Part Number

36L8860 or 36L8913 - 1.8 m (6 ft)

36L8861 or 39M53781 - 4.3 m (14 ft)(B)

39M5377 - 2.7 m (9 ft)(C)

36L8861 or 39M53751 - 1.5 m (5 ft)(D)

36L8859, 39M5374, or 041U01141 - 3.2 m (10.5 ft)(E)

39M5510 (F)

Cord Rating

Systems and expansion units

(A) - 0551 (0121, 0122, 0127 only), 9316, 7116, 7316, 9131-52A9133-55A9117-MMA 8204-E8A58867214-1U2, 8203-E4A, 8261-E4S, 9407-M15, 9408-M259409-M508234-EMA

(B) - 9406-5209111-5209406-5509113-5509406-5709117-5709115-505578657877031-D247031-T249111-2859131-52A9133-55A7037-A507047-1859116-5619110-51A9110-5109405-5207310-CR37310-C048204-E8A58867214-1U2, 8203-E4A, 8261-E4S, 9407-M15, 9408-M259409-M508234-EMA

(C) - 7014-S25 racks, 9131-52A9133-55A9406-5209111-5209406-5509113-5509406-5709117-5709115-5059110-5107314-G30, 57969117-MMA9406-MMA8204-E8A58867214-1U2, 8203-E4A 9407-M15, 9408-M259409-M508234-EMA(T) (U) - 9406-5209111-5209406-5509113-5509406-570, 9117-5709115-5055786 5787 7031-D247031-T249111-2859131-52A9133-55A7037-A507047-1859116-5619110-51A9110-5109405-520, 7310-CR37310-C047310-C05OpenPowerâ„¢ 710OpenPower 7207314-G30, 5796 , 9117-MMA9406-MMA7310-C067310-CR47042-C067042-CR48204-E8A58867214-1U28203-E4A 9407-M15, 9408-M257042-C079409-M508234-EMA, 8261-E4S

(D) - 05547014-S117014-S25 racks, 9131-52A9133-55A9111-5209406-5509113-5509406-5709117-5709115-5059110-5107310-CR37310-C047310-C059117-MMA9406-MMA8204-E8A5886

(description exceeds maximum possible length)