REBEKAH LODGE ODDFELLOWS NAOMI I.O.O.F. Booklet Lot. 11 items in the lot.

-Charge Book of a Rebekah lodge -91 pages
-Rebekah lodge charge book revided 1997- 100 pages
-By-Laws of Isabella Rebekah Lodge No.10 I.O.O.F. Cloverdale BC -13 pages
-By-laws of Rebekah District Association Vancouver No.2- 4 pages
-Naomi Friendship Address- 4 pages
-Oddfellows Banquet Monday Fe 14th 1938
-Program for the FLT Annual sessions May 8-12 2005
-Book of Ceremonies No.III- 137 pages
-Book of Ceremonies- 91 pages
-Rebekah Lodges of British Columbia constitution revised 1985-35 pages
-Rebekah Lodges of British Columbia constitution revised 1980-22 pages