Brand new factory sealed blu-ray in a unique transparent case is Out Of Print (OOP) and no longer being manufactured. New transfer of both the Unrated and R-rated versions. Original Uncompressed PCM stereo is equal to the robust sound of videotape.

In a semi-remake of 'Revenge of the Ninja' (also with Kosugi) Sho Kosugi stars as a Japanese business man who has brought his wife and two boys to Houston. After he opens a new resturant his family is attacked by gangsters. Unfortunately for the bad guys, they didn't count on Akira being a secret black ninja, so he vows revenge.

Throwing stars, arrows, samurai swords, axes, chains, and buzzsaws are used. It ends in a warehouse with naked mannequins. Typical dialogue is "I'm gonna rip your stinking guts out!" The main mobster is Michael Constantine (TVs 'Room 222'). With Kosugi sons Kane and Shane, Robert Ito, and James Booth.

The violence was cut for the R rating in America. Featuring a reversable sleeve with newly commisioned artwork and tons of special features.