Mystery Detective is a mystery solving party game that you can start playing almost as soon as you open the box.
One player, the Chief, takes one of the 100 illustrated cards and reads it to himself. The front of the card has the mystery, the back the solution. Then he reads the front of the card to the players and shows them the illustration. The other players are the detectives. Singly and together, they try to solve the mystery by asking the Chief questions. But he can only answer Yes, No, Close, or Not Relevant.
Here is the first mystery: A woman dies because she was on the phone too long.
We often talk too long on the phone but don't die! What's going on?
The detectives discuss and try to form theories that can be proved or disproved by their questions: A lovers' quarrel? Was the woman killed by her husband? - no By her lover?- no
Okay, maybe international espionage: Was the woman a spy? - no, not relevant
Hmm. Maybe we can locali