White Pearl Agate Tumbled Stone 20-25mm  Healing Crystal Protects Babies8

Renewal  Rejuvenation Opens Crown Chakra

This is a listing for THREE tumbled stones, your stones will be selected from the lot shown. Buy multiples and save!

Size: 20-25mm -

Chakra: Crown

Element: Earth

Number: Vibrates to #5

Astrological Sign: Pisces

Hardness: 7

This is a listing for SIX White Pearl Agate chosen from the stones in the photo or very similar.

White Pearl Agate is a territorial stone and guides the magnetism of the Earth in relation to the area from where it came. Its energy is dependent on the positive or negative energy emitted from its original area. That area will have a vortex which can aid in renewal and rejuvenation.


Aids with clarity of mind and purity of heart (carry or wear)

Protects young children and babies

Brings calm/peace/silence to any environment where it is placed

Opens the crown chakra

Inspires creativity relating to spiritual matters

Allows one to select his/her own spiritual belief system

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