ITEM:  Thirty-Four (34) FAME Items

DESCRIPTION:  Thirty-Four (34) FAME Color and B&W Clippings, Articles, Pin-Ups

Seventeen (17) B&W Clippings -  1 of Lee, 1 of Billy and Cindy, 1 of Michael DeLorenzo, 2 of Gene Anthony, 2 of Carlo,  5 of Cindy, 5 of cast - 2 of cast members, 3 of entire cast / Five (5) B&W Quarter-Page Articles - 1 about Lee, 1 about Cindy, 1 about Michael DeLorenzo, 2 about FAME cast members / Two (2) B&W Half-Page Articles - 1 about Irene Cara, 1 about FAME album / Six (6) B&W Full-Page Articles - 1 about Lee, 1 featuring Erica Gimpel, 4 about FAME cast / One (1) B&W Two-Page Article about FAME behind-the scenes / Two (2) Color Pin-Ups - 1 of Jesse Borrego, 1 of Cindy with Rob Lowe

Fame is a 1980 American teen musical drama film directed by Alan Parker
Fame is an American television series that aired from 1982 to 1987, based on the 1980 motion picture

FAME (series) cast includes:  Erica Gimpel (Coco Hernandez), Lee Curreri (Bruno Martelli), Gene Anthony Ray (Leroy Johnson), Valerie Landsburg (Doris Schwartz), Carlo Imperato (Danny Amatullo), Bill Hufsey (Christopher Donlon), Jesse Borrego (Jesse Valesquez), Cynthia Gibb (Holly Laird), Nia Peeples (Nicole Chapman), P.R. Paul (Montgomery MacNeil), Lori Singer (Julie Miller), Michael DeLorenzo (Fame Dancer), Morgan Stevens (Mr. David Reardon), Debbie Allen (Lydia Grant), Albert Hague (Mr. Benjamin Shorofsky), Carol Mayo Jenkins (Mrs. Elizabeth Sherwood)

FAME (movie) cast includes:  Irene Cara (Coco), Lee Curreri (Bruno), Gene Anthony Ray (Leroy), Maureen Teefy (Doris), Laura Dean (Lisa), Paul McCrane (Montgomery), Barry Miller (Ralph), Boyd Gains (Michael), Laura Dean (Lisa), Antonia Franceschi (Hilary), Debbie Allen (Lydia Grant), Albert Hague (Shorofsky), Anne Meara (Mrs. Sherwood)

FAME plot:  At the New York High School of Performing Arts, they want to dance, they want to sing, to play music, to act but above all they want to live their lives.  Coco, Leroy, Bruno, Danny, Doris, Chris, Holly and all the others try hard because they know that they've got a long way to reach fame and riches.  On top of their unique struggles, the students must deal with the pressures of homework, heartbreak and rejection

Sizes:   2"x2" to 8"x11" each 
Clippings are Rare and Hard-to-Find from various magazine sources
All clippings are original (no photo copies)

COPYRIGHT:  Teen Beat, Teen Beat Star Lovebook, Super Teen, 16 Magazine, Teen Machine (1983-1985)

FLAWS:  None. Yellowing, if any, is due to age


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