Template By Froo!
*ONE* Quartz Carved Heart 25mm Flat Healing Crystal REIKI Power Power Energy
 Quartz Carved Heart 25mm Flat Healing Crystal REIKI

Size:  25 mm ht and width, or 1" ht, 1" width - flat
Quantity:  This is for one heart - please allow for variation - some are cloudy with phantoms and some are perfectly clear - please specify if you need a clear heart
Chakra:  Crown

Not drilled - this is a carving only

We purchased these little hearts for our Grid customers who are using with the Healing Crystal Grid Cards - some of the grids use a heart in the center of the grid.  These would be nice as pocket stones or as a gift for someone to let them know you care.  Very great vibration on these stone hearts!

Useful for creating power and enhancing one's courage in a stressful situation
Quartz enhances all the other stones one is using so is beneficial to use when gridding
Increases one's perception and psychic ability

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