My armour is an impenetratrable shield, my teeth are daggers, the weilding of my tail is a lightning bolt , my wings are of hurricane force , and my breath burns through lies and deceipt!"

You are considering a direct binding to your 3 bodies (Physical, spiritual and Astral)
This is a rare spiritual Entity know as Nocturnus Draco.
Dragons are incarnations of power itself. They they bow to no Kings. Dragons' purity of thought to live by their own will is what makes them supreme.
The Nocturnus Dragon have an extended range of supernatural powers, changing size or form ( Able to take human shape).

This dragon is most active after the sunsets as this is when you are most vulnerable to attacks from negative spirits, hexes and curses.
As you rest, the Nocturnus Draco works to renew and refresh your energies. Wiping away the stresses and problems.
They also regenerate your body. Healing you of diseases and any problems that arise with your body.
They turn back the aging clock and give you a youthful glow and appearance.
They are most active at night accomplishing miraculous feats before the sun rises each day.
As you sleep, he taps into your energies to clear negativity and heal past bad karma.
They are loyal servants and powerful sorcerers who will bring wealth and prestige to everything you touch.

Moonstar7spirits registered trademark 4157496.
