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Facsimile dust jacket for the first UK edition book by Ray Bradbury
This facsimile dust jacket will also fit most of the later early UK editions.
This facsimile dust jacket has "Facsimile Dust Jacket" tastefully printed on the rear jacket panel and has the monogram of "JAM" at the bottom of the rear jacket panel. Additionally, this dust jacket has a signature in pencil by the artist (known world-wide for his exquisite and highly detailed miniature etchings and engravings) on the VERSO of the jacket for those of you now collecting the jackets only for the art, as many are now framing these separately from the book. John Anthony Miller, Phantom Bookshop, Ventura, CA -Official Engraver of Hospitaller Orderof St. Lazarus of Jerusalem United States Grand Priory (United States of America Call to Service Award
(highest award of its type for community service to others) with
Certificate and pin medal in formal black tie ceremony from President
Barack Obama September 2014) His art is in "collections" of The Smithsonian Institution, Chicago Art & Science Industry, The Carnegie Art Museum, Chicago Art Institute, Clarke Humanities Museum at Scripps College, President Obama, The Ambassador to The People's Republic of China,etc. and other notable people. COLLEEN MOORE: "You are a such a magnificent artist!" - Colleen Moore, silent screen and motion picture star, 1982. MAURICE SENDAK: "Thank you for the lovely etchings!" - Maurice Sendak, Children's book illustrator, 1981 SIFU MANUEL RODRIGUEZ: "John Anthony Miller is a gifted artist." - Master M. Rodriguez, Red Dragon Classical Guitar and Kung Fu Academy and Olympic Trainer of Martial Artists. 2010 FREDERICK GRUE: "John Anthony Miller is a true professional." - Frederick Grüe 1979, World's Premiere Still Life Painter. John Anthony Miller was a student of Grüe. JOHNNY CASH: "I like your work very much." -Johnny Cash , 1978, Legendary Country Singer Musician. WILLIAM F. NOLAN: "The unique art of John Anthony Miller is a joy to behold. His wondrous talent shines, diamond-bright, from each work...a talent to cherish." -William F. Nolan 2009, co-author of "Logan's Run"
RAY BRADBURY: "(edited)...how wonderful and what a genius you are. You
have an incredible talent, John, and I hope you know that...All my love,
Ray." -Ray Bradbury 2010. Ray Bradbury is the author of "Fahrenheit