US; Campbell Films is a
small American family business dedicated to the preservation of rare,
historical films. Started in 2007 by a father and son, team. They have worked
tirelessly to digitize, compile and create truly rare and unique DVD's to share
with the world. The son went to film school and father is a veteran with the
historical passion, so together they assembled the content of Campbell
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This DVD is a collection of films and newsreels on the famous Small American Arms of WW2. The most important was the M-1 Garand. General Patton said "The M1 was the greatest battle implement ever devised". We also included small arms weapons of the Japanese and the Germans as well. We hope you'll enjoy. 1st Film; "Infantry Weapons and Effects". This is a great US Army film on the basic small arms of the US infantry. Starts with the 1911 45 cal pistol, to the M1 Carbine, M1 Garand 30 Cal, Grenades, the BAR and light Machineguns, rifle launched grenades, Mortars, the Bazooka, the 37 anti-Tank canon and finally, the 105mm Howitzer 28:55 Min's 2nd Film; ; "1903 Springfield Rifle". This film is how to aim the 1903 Springfield, which was issued in 1903. The 1903 was considered one of the best bolt action in the world and was based on the Mouser 98, (Used by the Germans). Used in both WW1 and WW2, it was also was used as a sniper rifle because of it's accuracy. Most people don't know that the Marines used the 1903 on Guadalcanal because there was not enough M1 Garand available at the time. Amazing story! Runtime 10:58 Min's 3rd Film; "M-1 Garand Rifle". This is an Army film on the M1 Garand. How it was manufactured and used. 1st, is a short history of the American infantry rifles, then Mr Garand, the inventor, explains the evolution of the M1. At last, how to aim ans shoot the M1 rifle. Runtime 22:30 Min's 4th Film; "45 Cal. 1911 Colt Pistol". American's greatest hand gun un use from 1911 to 1985. This training film teaches how to safely use the 1911 in all positions on an Army range. Runtime 16:16 Min's 5th Film; "Japanese Small Arms". This is a collection of Japanese small arms. Starts off with the Model 92 Machinegun AKA the woodpecker, The light Machinegun model 1936, the 1905 and the 1919 Bolt action rifle, plus, captured M-100 rifle, Grenade, and the 75mm field gun, .. Runtime 20:45 min's 6th Film; "Nazi Small Arms". This an Army film on Nazi Small arms Weapons. 1st, German rifle, model 98, 2nd, MP-40 9mm Submachine gun. 3rd, MG-34 light machinegun and 4th, the MG-42 machinegun, AKA "Hitler's buzz saw" because of it's amazing rapid fire. Runtime 12:23 Min's 7th Film; "Small Arms Newsreels". This a collection of misc small arms of WW2. 1st, M1 Garand Target Detection". 2nd, Training range form 1911 pistol to a flame thrower. Rifle jungle training. 3rd, M2 Carbine automatic rifle. 4th, Post WW2, Germans get the M2 Carbine. 5th, A RARE Army cartoon with private Snafu, called "Fighting tools. Runtime; 14:18 min's Product No. CFDVD0185 |