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Product description: We longed for someone to say, "I love you," or, "Hey, fellas, let's go fishing or camping," or, "How about a trip to the ball game? Maybe an ice cream soda; come on guys, let's go to the movies or maybe the zoo." These are things that normal families do, but for us they were just dreams that would never come true! We were forced to stay outside in the woods down back on a daily basis. No child should ever have to endure the agonies and traumas that we did. We were starved, sexually abused, beaten, and neglected and placed in one foster home after another for sixteen years. We were constantly told that we would never amount to anything, and there came a time that we started to believe that "love" was a word that was never used nor were the words "Mom" or "Dad." No one ever told us that they loved us, but then again-IS THERE ANY LOVE DOWN BACK?