6.25" x 9.25", 117 page hardcover with dustjacket titled LAST STAND AT MOBILE by John C. Waugh/ McWhiney Foundation Press,  ISBN # 1-893114-09-0,  First Printing, Copyright 2001 / With a narrative consisting of under ninety pages of text, Last Stand at Mobile is admittedly a slim volume, but packs a lot into those pages. In fact, the book is in some ways a model of superb public history, as it communicates a basic understanding of the essential people, places and events associated with the Battle of Mobile Bay and the associated campaign for the city of Mobile, Alabama in accessible prose. Originally published in 2001, it promises to serve for years to come as the best point of entry for understanding events surrounding the capture of one of the last Confederate-controlled port cities during the Civil War. This is no simple task, as the events chronicled include a blockade, a naval battle, a siege, and a military campaign several months long waged for the capture of the city. The book is part of a series published by the McWhiney Foundation Press, the brainchild of the legendary Southern historian Grady McWhiney. The series, its editor claims, was designed to provide “brief, lively, and authoritative books” that while “separate and complete in itself, nevertheless conveys the agony, glory, death, and wreckage that defined America’s greatest tragedy.” It is a noble calling, and John C. Waugh’s entry in the series is extremely well executed. Engaging and informative, it is a great example of the type of historical writing the public craves and deserves.

The book is complete and in EXCELLENT condition with some overall light wear mainly to the dustjacket which has a small tear along the top edge of the dustjacket back cover. The author, John C. Waugh, has signed his name on the title page.