
Platoon First Aid Kit

The New Platoon first aid kit comes in a new pouch with MOLLE System straps. It comes shrink wrapped with a contents list..
Available In 4 Colors -


Item Quantity  Item Quantity 
2" Elastic Bandage 1 Pill Bottle 1
Alcohol Wipe 4 Iodine Wipe 4
BZK Antiseptic Wipe 4 2"x2" Gauze Pad 5
Bandage Strips 1"x3" 16 Conforming Gauze 4"x4.1 yds. 2
First Aid Instructions 1 Pair of Gloves 2
Rolls of Tape 2 Pain Reliever 10
Instant Ice Pack 1 5"x9" Abdominal Pad 5
4" Pressure Bandage 1 First Aid Cream 2
Tweezers 1 Scissors 1
Lip Balm 1