Trinity Rescue Kit 3.4: easier and better than ever before!
Now WithLaser Printed Labels
Trinity Rescue Kit or TRK is a free live Linux distribution that aims specificallyat recovery and repairoperations on Windows machines, but is equally usable for Linux recoveryissues. Since version 3.4 it has an easy to use scrollable text menu thatallows anyone who masters a keyboard and some English to perform maintenanceand repair on a computer, ranging from password resetting over disk cleanup tovirus scanning It is possible to boot TRK inthree different ways:
-as a bootable CD which you can burn yourself from a downloadable isofile or aself burning Windows executable
-from a USB stick/disk (optionally also a fixed disk), installable from Windowsor from the bootable TRK cd (which is easier and safer)
-from network over PXE: you start 1 TRK from CD or USB and you runall other computers from that one over the network without modifying anythingto you local network.
Ever since version 3.4, TRK has received an easy to use textmenu but hasequally kept the commandline.
Here ‘s a sumup of some of the most important features, new andold:
-easily reset windows passwords with the improved winpass tool
-simple and easy menu interface
-5 different virusscan products integrated in a single uniform commandline withonline update capability
-full ntfs write support thanks to ntfs-3g
-winclean, a utility that cleans up all sorts of unnecessary temporary files onyour computer.
-clone computers over the network via multicast.
-wide range of hardware support (kernel 2.6.35 )
-contributed backup utility called “pi”, to automate local machine backups
-easy script to find and mount all local filesystems
-self update capability to include and update all virusscanners + localchanges you made to TRK.
-full proxyserver support.
-run a samba fileserver (windows like filesharing)
-run a ssh server
-recovery and undeletion of files with utilities and procedures
-recovery of lost partitions
-evacuation of dying disks
-full read/write and rpm support
-UTF-8 international character support (select keyboard language from thescrollable textmenu at startup)
-2 rootkit detection uitilities
-most software updated to recent versions
-literally thousands of changes and bugfixes since version 3.3
-elaborated documentation, including manpages for all commands (also TRK ‘sown)