André Rieu In Concert
In 1997, charismatic "Waltz King" Andre Rieu was the only artist to have 3 recordings in the Top 10 of Billboard's Classical chart. Each of his audio releases has a video companion; always shown on public TV during pledge months, they consistently rank as top fund raisers for the PBS stations. Now, just in time for an April national tour with his Johann Strauss Orchestra, Philips presents Andre's newest release, featuring the beautiful music of Strauss, Mozart, Lehar and Schubert.

Andre Rieu is a PBS-driven phenomenon: he and his attractive young orchestra are supremely telegenic, and his compact discs are favorite giveaways at pledge drives, for which his specials sometimes saturate the airwaves. In fact, his discs come emblazoned with stickers that read, "As Seen on Public Television." This is lightweight but enjoyable fare, well played and untaxing for the listener--which, indeed, is what it is intended to be. --Sarah Bryan Miller


All used  disks are professionally buffed and test played before shipping and will play  well in most machines.