Grace Natural100% Organic Virgin Coconut oil, USDA certified, is extracted from the finest natural coconuts harvested manually using the cold-pressed technique to conserve the natural potency, flavor, and aroma of real coconuts. Packed in a glass jar to ensure zero chemical interaction, and to keep purity, aroma, and stability of oil pristine.Great moisturizer and conditioner, Natural Organic Virgin Coconut oil can independently provide many benefits to skin and hair. With its antioxidant properties, it encourages the skin rejuvenation process and prevents hair and skin from further damage.
Keto, vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, paleo, etc. whatever diet plan you follow,
Grace Natural fits effortlessly in it. Use it for baking, salad dressing, or deep frying. Medium-chain, (MCTs) present in oil makes it healthier and suitable for daily consumption.
Grace Natural is as good for your pets too. From keeping their health intact, it also helps in improving skin conditions of pets like itchy and dry skin. Regular use of oil makes their coats look glossier and shiner.
Grace Natural the flagship brand of Marico, mainly dealing in virgin coconut oil. Natural uses the cold-pressed technique to extract oil from the finest natural coconuts to sustain the nutrient composition during extraction process. With this Grace Natural, believes in providing 100% Organic Unrefined Virgin Coconut Oil worldwide.