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Faden Quartz Rough Stone 5gr QTY1 Healing Crystal Reiki Expand Consciousness

Faden Quartz Rough Stone QTY1 Healing Crystal Reiki Expand Consciousness

Chakras: All

Element: Earth, Storm

Number: Vibrates to #2 and Master Number #88

Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Color: White, colorless

Countries of Origin: Pakistan

Crystal System:  Hexagonal

Hardness: 7

This listing is for ONE FADEN QUARTZ, it will be selected from the lot shown in the photo. The weight is 5 grams.

Faden Quartz is a wonderful healing stone for healing the emotional body and past hurts.


  • Expands one's consciousness
  • Allows one to travel into interdimensional planes and astral travel
  • Allows a person to be themselves without being overbearing
  • Helps one to get along with everyone
  • Useful in past life recall to remember what it was you learned during the experience
  • Helpful for healing the Earth, grid along unstable areas to balance and heal the Earth

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