Portal 2 All White Light Spirits All Wishes Granted + Free Gifts Prosperity Wealth Abundance Love And Protection Enlightenment Gain Beauty Or Be Handsome As Well As Luck Psychic Power Ritual Spells... More!!!!
This spell is enhanced with White Light energy, which adds great power to the magick!
This ancient, authentic, secret magick and all written contents in this listing are owned exclusively by BetweenAllWorlds. As generational witches, we at BetweenAllWorlds inherited the exclusive right to work with this magick. You cannot find this anywhere else!!!
Copyright © 2017 BetweenAllWorlds
All Rights Reserved
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If you purchase more than one item on the same order,
we can give deeper discounts. Please inquire.
All of our spells and entities are 100% safe for you, your family, friends and pets!
IMPORTANT: All of our spells and spirits are remotely cast direct bindings, which do not require any object to be mailed to you.
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Portal To All White Light Spirits
This portal spell attracts 100% White Light Spirits: Angels, Djinns, Unicorns, Archangels, Faeries, Spirit Guides, Watchers, Dragons, Mermaids, Mermen and More & added free bonus Prosperity Wealth Good Luck And Love Protection Psychic Abilities Ritual Spells
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Enter the Portal!
And Change Your Destiny!
A spell of extreme power!
BetweenAllWorlds is pleased to present you with
a portal to another world.
All to help you, guide you, protect you!
Walk through a doorway to a spiritual world
you always knew was there.
Soar effortlessly through an opening in the fabric of time,
revisit the past and see the future
Beyond the doorway is a place where the spiritual meets the physical and all the wonderment of the universe is yours!
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I have for you today a remarkable piece of that wonderment.
The energy and power in this spell is unusually strong
Sense the energy that emanates from it, and you will know that you are beginning a journey of a lifetime.
Your portal is a doorway to the Divine Realms and the Astral Plane. It is a key that unlocks the Third Eye, allowing us to gaze out on a limitless vista of never-ending wonders.
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The benefits to be gained from access to a portal are many:
The portal allows positive Spirit Beings, including Angels, Faeries, Djinn, Nature Spirits, Spirit Guides, Wealth Bringing Dragons, Baby Dragons and many other positive spirits to enter your realm. Some may visit for a few moments and some may stay for a lifetime and beyond. But each one will bless you with fortune, miracles, and luck!
Abundance in all areas of your life; great wealth, good luck and great fortune, joy in life, fulfilling relationships, fame if you wish it, and even your subconscious wishes and desires fulfilled as thousands upon thousands of helpful spirit beings protect and guard you, guide you, visit and bless you.
When you wish or pray or want or need, the appropriate White Light Spirit will automatically be summoned with the aid of your portal.
Psychic protection and vastly increased psychic powers unfold as you explore realms where communication is often done with thoughts, feelings or body sensations.
This White Light portal provides access to a
truly inexhaustible spiritual world!
Intuition and meditation are enhanced.
You gain true inner peace. The portal is a soothing experience, a serene reward that you've been awaiting. It feels like a release from a heavy burden as you no longer walk through this world alone.
Helps you in this life by helping to cleanse your karma so that you can move on along your path and find your true destiny.
You can go places you never dreamed existed, experience your best self as you never knew you could be, and communicate directly with the positive spirit realms.
Perhaps you've dreamed of a hidden doorway to an unknown realm, but never dared hoped it could be real.
It is real. And all you have to do to find this magickal world is
Enter the Portal
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As you get more and more familiar with your Spirit Visitors, Guides, and Helpers, you start noticing their presence in a variety of ways, some of which include seeing flashes of light and colored lights out of the corner of your eye, tingling sensations, feelings of joy or peace or love in your heart.
You may see them in your dreams. Positive words and ideas may pop into your head that you realize are from them.
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Remember to add us to your "Favorites" list and visit often to check out the latest one-of-a-kind magickal spells we will be offering.
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You do not need to do anything to activate the magick. No rituals or rites are needed, because we have done them all.
All you need to do is stay positive and understand that no magick by any spellcaster works immediately. All magick, no matter what others say, grows stronger over time as the energies bond to you.
All our spells and Spirits are 100 percent safe for you, your family, your pets, etc.
The written content of this listing (excluding template components) is under copyright protection of betweenallworlds and cannot be used without the express written permission of betweenallworlds.
- Payment is accepted only through PayPal.
- We ask that you pay for items within seven (7) days of purchase.
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- We ship First Class mail.
- For International Shipping: Please inquire.
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- We will combine shipping for multiple items.
- Once we have mailed your package we will notify you that it is on its way.
Legally, we must state the following:
- You must be at least 18 years old to purchase any of the items at this site. All items sold here and all information provided here are for entertainment purposes only.
- The Seller is not responsible for anything pertaining to items purchased on this site. Results from owning and working with the items on this site are variable. There is no guarantee of paranormal or spiritual benefits for the buyer. We are not personally liable for the actions or the results of actions taken by the buyer. Each buyer makes a purchase at his or her own risk. No items sold on this site, or information provided on this site, are meant as a substitute for professional, financial, legal, medical, psychiatric, or psychological advice, diagnosis, prevention, or treatment. No items sold on this site, or information provided on this site, are meant as a cure for any mental or physical problem or disease. This disclaimer applies to any written or verbal communication we have with anyone about this listing. Purchase of any items from this site constitutes acceptance of the terms above.