Albina has consecrated this VERY beautiful RING with a very "olde" spell that she "inherited" from a long line of POWERFUL Witches named "Call of the Earth"! This spell is an Irish Spell that allows one to gather strength and powers from "Mother Earth's energies" by connecting with two powerful allies that will direct the energies to allow one to rise to any challenge, to gain extra "good fortune and luck", and the power to manifest long wished for dreams!
Albina says that this spell is a spell derived from "a very olde Irish spell" in which the invocation of strength includes two mighty helpers and heoric partners named Emer, "the woman warrior", and Cu Chulainn, "The Brave". She continued to explain that these two "soul friends" will assist in combination with Mother Earth's VAST natural energies to "surround and fill the bearer's environment with the precise energies that will fortify, protect and strengthen the bearer." She adds that Emer, the woman warrior, will assist in utilizing Earthly energies to bring forth one's "long desired dreams" that have not previously "come to light" sue to the lack of proper energies required to minfest what one dreams of into one's real life!
She also explains that Cu Chulainn, the Brave, will assist in directing the Earth's energies towards overcoming difficulties, defeating "foes or outside negativity", and providing skills to meet and rise above all challenges! Together, Albina says that the both of these allies will provide the bearer with "extra energy and obvious improved fortune, luck, strength, andmanifested dreams". She adds that both of Emer and Cu Chulainn's assistance will create "dramatic improvements in one's incidents of positive events and outcomes". In closing, she says that one will notice that others see one differently and treat one will graeter respect and admiration as a result if these many added gifts and virtues!". My Thanks as always to Albina for all of her devoted time and talents!!!
My reader was not available at the time of this listing!!!