Granulated Natural Sodium Bentonite - 225 grams
In must : for clarifying and for reducing the oxidase activity .
In fermentation : for clarifying and for obtaining a regular and complete fermentation .
In wine : for a complete clarification and protein stabilization.
Dosage :20- 150 grams /hl
Instructions for use : dissolve granular bentonite in water , in ratio 1:20 , stirring continously. let the bentoniteswell for 8-10 hours , then mix again and add to the volume to be treated while pumping-over , through a venturi tube . Best results are obtained by adding the bentonite to at least half of the volume to be treated .
Storage : Sealed package , keep the product in a fresh , dry , well ventilated area.
warning - bentonite tends to absorb moisture and odor.