All it takes is some skillfully placed ladders, a good sense of balance, and a touch of imagination. The Moon is eager for you to reach her, but shes sensitive: she will shed a tear at the slightest misstep in your climb. With the right mix of risktaking and caution, you will become the most agile of dreamers.
- Players 2-6
- Playing time 20 minutes
- Ages 6+
- Climbing through the clouds to catch the Moon. . .
- What a wonderful dream! All it takes is some skillfully placed ladders, a good sense of balance, and a touch of imagination.
- The Moon is eager for you to reach her, but she's sensitive. . . She will shed a tear at the slightest misstep in your climb. With the right mix of risk-taking and Caution, you will become the most agile of dreamers.