Some of the contents in this issue
Portrait of our planet, part 4 - surprises of the sun. Cute full page color Friskies Dog Food ad with pooch in a pirate hat, might be a spaniel or a mutt. Two-page photo by Ansel Adams of the California Sierra, Lone Pine Peak and Mt. Whitney. Adolf Eichmann tells his own damning story - Part 1 "I transported them … to the butcher," many background photos of his childhood, early career as journalist. 1960 Cattle drive out West, longest on the modern range, Cowboy Charlie Bronson of Cedarbutte, South Dakota helps move 1,000 head to winter range in Nebraska. Hate still haunts the South, attempt to integrate New Orleans school sets off uproar. Clark Gable is dead - a last intimate look, six pages of story and photos with many entertainment greats. Japanese wreck the Golden Gate bridge for a movie. Crown Prince and Princess of Japan, formal portrait of Akihito and Michiko. April Olrich in a winsome witch for Macbeth (on TV). Wendy Wagner has a job as stand-in skindiver. St. Luke's chic show for charity in Chicago, society ladies as mannequins, Mrs. Marshall Field (publishing), Mrs. William Wrigley (chewing gum), Mrs. Homer Hargrave (broker), Mrs. Charles Percy (Bell and Howell president's wife), more. Girl gets into Harvard, Yale football game. Sammy Davis Jr. marries Actress May Britt. Cute full page color Northern paper towels ad. Half page Nissen trampoline ad with small photo of Jackie Gleason. Half page Teacher's Highland Cream ad with photo of Othmar Schneider, Olympic ski champion and film producer.