Guy Rowe
"Moses and the Tablets"
from the "In Our Image" collection

This is an original book plate, it is not a copy from a laser printer, or otherwise.
This plate is in excellent condition, osemi-glossy, medium-weight paper.

11 15/16 X 8 13/16 inches
There is no border, the image is printed all the way to the edges.
(the scanned image doesn't show the very edges of the print)

The back side is blank.
Highly suitable for framing!

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Guy Rowe (1894-1968), who signed most of his works as "Giro", was an American Artist best known for his 85 portraits in Time magazine, and for this series of biblical paintings.  He studied at the Detroit School of Fine Arts, and was a fellow of the Royal Society for Arts. He was active as an artist for 45 years, constantly experimenting with new techniques and media.
In 1946 Houston Harte evolved a plan to present the finest and most dramatic portions of the Bible and make them as attractive as the very best of modern literature. He selected the most fascinating and important of the many Bible stories to present to the great reading public, more attractively made up and illustrated than ever before. The illustrations were of tremendous importance; they had to be a good deal more meaningful than classical illustrations, with their poor art and accent on hell-fire and damnation. They had to reveal emotionally the character of Bible heroes, their vital characters. They style had to be so timely as to bring immediate reaction from modern readers. Readers should see the Biblical characters as great leaders of old but also as men of today with a message for today. He presented his idea to Guy Rowe, a great character portraitist, and the artist responded enthusiastically. Guy Rowe did weeks and weeks of research to be sure every little detail in each picture was correct. He steeped himself in the story of his characters until he felt he understood their every thought and emotion, and his finished works show he succeeded in his artistic purpose. There is about the faces a universality that shows that the subjects have a message as important for us in modern times as it was in biblical times.