Richard Aurili (1834-1914) GLADIATOR MARBLE BUST 'Ave Caesar, Morituri te salutan' C1900 FOUNDRY MARK SIGNED
11 x 8"
some loose metal elements [UPSTAIRS]
The foundry mark: Fabrication Francaise Paris, made in Paris France 1892-1915 This was a foundry in Paris which poured French bronzes and iron work in the late 19th Century. The “Made in France” in English on the foundry mark is due to the U.S trade law of 1891 that required all imports to be marked to indicate the country of origin.
Fabrication Francaise, Paris was a production company that manufactured sculptures after the artist produced bronze sculptures. THIS marble bust of a soldier was MADE BY RICHARD AURILI, IT IS SIGNED BY ARTIST AND STAMPED BY FOUNDRY It was finished by the foundry with metal between 1892 and 1915. It is signed by artist in the metal.