JJ Royal Papua Arabica Coffee
Type : Ground
Net Weight : 100 Gram
Aroma : Medium, Robust Choco Malt
Flavor : Strong, Cedar
Acidity : Low, Smooth
Body : Full Syrup
Aftertaste : Long lasting, Rounded
The remote area of the Jayawijaya Mountains in Papua is renowned for being one of the richest mountainous areas in the tropics. Now, it is also home to the nomadic Ngalum Tribe. The traditional cultivation method of "Specialty Grade 1" Arabica coffee is very important in creating the distinctive taste of this coffee. Through its unique journey, this coffee is carefully hand-picked and then roasted to a medium-dark precision roast. Enjoy the chocolate-malty aroma, smooth and sweet taste, with a very strong aftertaste that can be obtained from this JJ Royal Papua Arabica coffee.
Papuan coffee beans were originally imported to the Dutch Indies in the early 1900s, with varietals stemming from Jamaicas world-renowned Blue Mountain coffee. Hence, some Papuan coffees share a similarly smooth yet robust, chocolatey taste to that of Blue Mountain coffees. Papuan coffee remains rare and highly valued due to limited supply caused by occasional tribal wars and its cultivation in remote areas near the Jayawijaya mountain range.