Callous Cure is the newest and fastest way to make your feet feel smooth and healthy with no mess! Just apply the Callous Cure callous softening cream to the special callous removal patch, place the self-sticking patch on the calloused area and RELAX as it softens and moisturizes your feet. Callous Cure penetrates into the hard, calloused areas, softening and lifting so that, in just MINUTES, the calluses peel away with EASE! Then, simply file for a smooth, soft finish and apply the soothing Callous Cure heel balm. After just one application, your feet will be BABY SOFT. Kit Includes: 4 Foot Patches 1 Bottle of Softener Gel 2.0 fl. oz. 1 Bottle of Foot Balm 2.0 fl. oz. 1 Two in One Scraper/File (White)
Additional Details
Product description: Callous Cure is the newest and fastest way to make your feet feel smooth and healthy with no mess! Just apply the Callous Cure callous softening cream to the special callous removal patch, place the self-sticking patch on the calloused area and RELAX as it softens and moisturizes your feet. Callous Cure penetrates into the hard, calloused areas, softening and lifting so that, in just MINUTES, the calluses peel away with EASE! Then, simply file for a smooth, soft finish and apply the soothing Callous Cure heel balm. After just one application, your feet will be BABY SOFT. Kit Includes: 4 Foot Patches 1 Bottle of Softener Gel 2.0 fl. oz. 1 Bottle of Foot Balm 2.0 fl. oz. 1 Two in One Scraper/File (White)