If you are serious about age spot and hyper-pigment reduction, this is your system.
Outstanding results in a compact and affordable professional use machine.
Reduces unwanted pigment, ages spots and freckles by 95% 1-3 treatments. Improves skin tone, texture and appearance.
The SDL90EC-DX produces 220jcm2/second energy density at 808nm with a pulse duration of 70ms. Pulse frequency is user-adjustable from 1-7 emissions per second.
System Comes With The Following: Standard Diode Hand Piece 220jcm2 energy density (fluence), key lockout safety switch, 'enabled' system status LED, adjustable intensity, 2 pair of protection eyewear, 50ml carbon dye gel, 50ml of pre-treatment gel, 50ml of anti-androgen post treatment gel, tweezers, instructions and CD set.
90 day, 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Approved for: Permanent Hair Reduction, Skin Toning, Body
Sculpting, Acne Reduction, Photo Rejuvenation, Hyper Pigment - Age Spot
Removal, Tattoo Removal, Wrinkle Reduction, Scar - Stretch Mark
Reduction, Psoriasis, Rosacea, Sun Damage, Blemish (mole, wart, skin
tag) Removal, Nail Fugues Treatment and More.
This is the hyperpigment reduction system you have been looking for.Put it to work at your Salon, Medi-Spa or Establishment today!
Brought to you by Bio-Avance, the leader in salon and medispa cosmetology equipment, accessories and supplies. Chosen by more professional aestheticians.
YES, we ship internationally free of charge. YES, we service our customers. YES, we value your business.
Warranty Information: To the original purchaser, the above item will arrive without damage or defect in material or workmanship. This warranty shall extend for a period of 1 year from the date of delivery. Laser diodes and IPL flash lamps are warranted against failure for 5,000 hours (approximate continuous usage of 1 year). Should your system arrive damaged or in otherwise incomplete/unacceptable condition please refer to the warranty repair card in your instruction packet to expedite the return.
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