VEYZ Sustainer Pickup / Humbucker
Very similar in function to a Sustainiac pickup. Provides active sustain in multiple modes when engaged. Battery life is good and pickup looks great when installed properly.
Unless your guitar was previously equipped with a sustainer, installation will require modification to guitar body for switch install and battery cavity. Professional install by luthier recommended as instructions are simply a wiring diagram (included in listing images) & nothing more.
OEM / Bulk Packaging.
Please contact us for Custom orders.
Notes for Sustainers and Install:
- Must be mounted in Neck Position Only
- Must be used in conjunction with one or more additional pickups (cannot be used in a single pickup configuration)
- Steel strings such as Earnie Ball Slinky's are ideal as Stainless and high Nickel strings cannot create the necessary magnetic field needed.
- Pickup needs to be mounted as high as possible without interfering with strings or playing. 6/64 (2.4mm) or less is ideal.