Title: Men’s Dating, Relationship, and Sexual Health Manual
2nd Edition
372 pages
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About Author:
Wisdom, advice, and statistics shared by the most respected dating coaches, relationship counselors, men’s medical health professionals, sex therapists, life coaches, and business leaders in their fields.
Book Description:
This book provides you with everything you need to know to achieve
optimal success with women and in life. This book addresses the best methods to
meet, communicate, vet, and date women, as well as how to achieve and maintain
a satisfying relationship. This book also contains valuable information on
men’s health issues, increasing testosterone, optimizing your sexual
performance, and being the type of lover that women desire. In addition, you
will learn how to acquire and maintain confidence, be a desired ‘high-value’
man, win with high quality women, and be an awesome lover.
This is a practical no-fluff book based on empirical data; not opinion,
gimmicks, scripts, or goofy pickup lines. The Professional Research Group (PRG)
created this book from information provided by the most respected dating
coaches, relationship counselors, men’s medical health professionals, sex
therapists, life coaches, and business leaders in their respective fields. In
essence, this book is a collection of valuable information provided by the
best-of-the-best experts in their profession.
There are a lot of things that bring about varying degrees of success with
women. This book is a compilation of all those things, presented in an
easy-to-read format. Credible science, proven statistics, and reliable counsel
show you how to attract quality women, advance with women, enjoy a successful
relationship, and achieve the best life possible.
Key Words:
Dating, Sex, Relationship, Attracting Women, Confidence, Health, Meet Women; Dating; Love; Romance; Sex; Relationship; Men's Health; Attracting Women; Confidence; Women; Making Love.
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