This VERY powerful spell CLEANSING all manipulation for one's peace and environment and protects one and one's environment from any negativity which can cause one stress, damage, loss, ill health, anger, resentment, and "streaks of bad luck" as well as many other painful effects.
Albina explains that once this spell aligns, one will see and feel the great protection against all that is "negative, evil" and derived from that which is harmful and damaging to one and one's sacred space. She explains that " it is especially important to protect one's home's entrance with such a spell" as this deters any darkness, entities, harmful or destructive energies from making their way into a place where one should be able to recharge and relax before facing the world again. As a result, one will soon notice that one's home and environment is a place of "great peace, serenity and a feeling of love".
She explains that whomever acquires this spell , will be welcoming a great "force of Magick" into their life!! . My GREATEST Thanks and BLESSINGS to Albina for all of her time and abilities!!