Brand new factory sealed import dvd is Out Of Print (OOP) in all formats and no longer being manufactured domestically. Widescreen, but it may be letterboxed requiring newer TV owners to use one of your zoom modes without losing the optional English subtitles.

Drunken Boxing, as the name implies requires the practioner to be drunk. Chang Chi's relatively peaceful life is interupted when he catches two boys, Su & Fan, stealing his vineyard grapes. They are made to work in the distillery as compensation. Knowing they are well endowed with natural gifts, Chang decides to teach them the art of Drunken Boxing.

One day, seeing the inhabitants being bullied by Yeh Hu, Su & Fan intervene, but are beaten up. Luckily Chan comes to their rescue. A villain tells Yeh Hu of an old grudge between his ancestor and that of Chang Chi, so Yeh decides to elimanate Chang...