Truu 藍銅玻尿酸保濕修復精華
- |藍銅玻尿酸保濕修復精華|
- 科學有效保濕配方, 有感實現透亮水光
- 美國頂級藍銅胜肽搭配日本大小分子玻尿酸
- 迅速滲透保濕、修復舒緩
- 全方位水嫩亮澤, 使肌膚更強韌健康
- |美國藍銅胜肽+超導玻尿酸|
- 高濃度玻尿酸等共8重保濕成分
- 可密集急救注水, 舒緩乾燥不適, 賦予明亮光澤
- |修復酵母精華|
- 深入肌底強化肌膚修護力, 持續穩定膚況
- 提升肌膚保護力, 展現細緻彈嫩光滑膚觸
- 容量: 45ml
- 效期: 3年
Product Features
- American Premium Blue Cooper Peptide and Japanese Big Small Molecule Hyaluronic Essence
- Instantly Moisturize, Repair, Soothe
- Skin becomes Healthier
Product Highlights
- Copper Peptide Hyaluronic Hydrating Repair Essence: 45ML
- Effective Scientific Moisturizing Formula, Visible Moisturizing Radiance.Super-Charged copper peptide with high & low molecule hyaluroic essence that delivers deeper hydration and speeds up skin repair from scarring,pigmentation and redness caused by inflammation.
- Expiration Date: 3 years unopened