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Herbs containing bitter substances are among the oldest plants used by humans. Pollution or processed foods put stress on our digestive system, as do stress and lack of physical activity. A special extraction process and a high alcohol content of 59% make it possible to optimally extract and bind not only the bitter substances of these plants, but also valuable essential oils. The essential oils in Bitterstern® support and complement the bitter substances, creating an unmatched aroma. The high alcohol content in Bitterstern® improves absorption through mucous membranes. It's amazing how bitter star can support the body's healthy and natural regulation in times of poor nutrition and acidity!
Lavendel, Galgant, Schafgarbe, Engelwurz, Kümmel, Zimt, Fenchel, Enzian, Löwenzahn, Majoran, Ingwer, Pomeranze, Gewürznelke, Zitwer, Kardamom, Isländisch Moos, Koriander, Wasser, Alkohol 59%.
For adults, apply 7-10 drops to the tongue before or after meals; up to 5 times a day.