WE WILL 100X CAST THIS "Moon Magick" spell. This spell is interesting as it changes depending upon the time of the year in which the piece has been imbued with the spell, while also magnifying the power that one can achieve by taking part in actions during this moon's phase. As a result, because this ring was imbued in November, the spell takes on all of the powers of the "Snow Moon". The Snow moon is the first to signal the years darkest months and so begins a time of rest, for Mother Earth and much of the bounties of nature. After many months of constant activity of planting, growing and harvesting, now it is finally time to sleep for a long winter's nap.
Albina explains that as we too begin to rest more, partially due to the lack of sunlight during the day and partially due to the cooler weather, we will find oursleves becoming more introspective and greatful for the Blessings around us. She adds that we, as well as the Magickal energies around us will also be greatly effected by the powers of the snow moon that effect sleeping, dreaming, divination, goals and the endings to life's chapters.
THIS SPELL will promote great revelations during meditations and divinations, as well as very prophetic dreams and "visions" during conscious hours. She also says that one will find that once this piece is in one's possession, if one sets a magickal goal such as becoming telepathic, one will find that this piece "brings forth the energies require to put this goal into motion". She also explains that if there are "any projects, tasks or relationships that need to be finished, closed, or finally abandoned for the good of all involved, this spell will lend VERY powerful energy to provide this closure". Albina also says that during this moon's phase and with the assistance of this Magick that magnifies this power. one can also take advantage of the opportunity to "completely transform one's life with the power this spell provides!"
. MY GREAT Thanks and Blessings to Albina for all of her generous time and efforts!!