Out for the end of march is titled"KEY WEST CLESN UP CLUB"........cleverly thought up if i say so!......A Supurb S.O.T.A. casting after evolving some procedure refinements,with razor sharp graphics.......thick enamel with hydro-ink transfer,coated in X10 Liquid Glass give off very high refraction rates.......awsome in sunlight!..........will not chip,wear,split,crack,chip,uvresist,scratchresist........its forever......strung on high tec extrudafoam........this former toolmakers studio will have nothing less!........see full GALLERY@ETSY.com(154homebasepost) moving on to 1000 fine works of art......this store is combining both platforms......."fashion" an "artisan" to display the entire collection for maximum traffic.......THANKS! w.d.a.