- Please, Read before make your purchase!!!!!
- Dear customer, our goal is help you solve your problem and give you the best service, with the highest quality, to make you 100% Satisfied. But before placing your order check if your part number match whit the one on the listing, do not order by unit model number, manufacturers use different parts for the same model. If you are not a technician and want to fix your appliance and save some money is ok we can help just email before purchase with any question, but if you order the wrong part and it don't resolve your problem please don't open a case saying the part is broken or the item is not has described that will affect the seller performance and we work hard to offer you a good service, in case that you want to return the part for any reason send and email and we will take the part back, you send the part and upon arrive the refund will be make asap thanks.
AP-S53#41 AP-S48#67
- We only accept payments through PayPal.
- An order begins processing once payment has cleared.
- checkout will automatically combine multiple purchases and create a payment amount based on your order.
- Please make sure your PayPal address is the correct recipient address.
- All items qualify for returns within 30 days of receipt.
- Buyer is responsible for return shipping on any item that is not damaged.
- Any product you return must be in the same condition you received it and in the original undamaged and unopened packaging to receive a full refund.
- If you order the wrong part don't resolve your problem and the returned part was installed, used, or damaged you may be subject to charges to protect the account against loses.
- We offer free shipping on all our items, except when the list indicates some shipping cost.
- We ship within one business days from the purchase. (Saturday, Sunday and holiday excluded.)
- We ship to Continental U.S and international shipping through global shipping program.
- We use a selection of shipping services such as UPS, FedEx, USPS.
- Please if you need the item urgently, contact us for detail before purchase.
-Feedback is extremely important to US.
-If you are satisfied with our transaction, please take a moment to leave Positive Feedback. Your Satisfaction is our Priority!!!
-PLEASE if there are any issues, contact us BEFORE leaving a neutral or negative rating so that we may resolve any concerns.
Part Number WR9X489 replaces 2578, AH310858, EA310858, PS310858, WR09X0427, WR09X0469, WR09X0488, WR09X0489, WR9X427, WR9X469, WR9X488.
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Kenmore / Sears 363.50232000 REFRIGERATOR
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