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A parenting favorite for its comfort, style, and adaptability, the award-winning MOBY Classic Wrap is made from a soft, durable, 100% cotton fabric that provides the perfect snuggle for newborns, infants, and toddlers.
The versatile MOBY Wrap offers multiple carrying positions as baby grows, plus one-size-fits-all comfort for parents and caregivers – making it the perfect carrier to encourage bonding throughout baby’s developmental stages. The wrap evenly distributes the weight of carrying a baby across the back and hips, allowing for on-the-go comfort and hassle-free adventures. MOBY – Close Enough to Kiss®.
About this product:
Adjusts to grow with baby, from newborn to toddler
Offers front and hip carrying options
Soft, breathable, 100% cotton fabric
Comfortable to wear for extended periods of time
Textile size: 192 x 22.25""