Showy Goldenrod is a perennial wildflower native to the eastern and central United States where it can often be found growing in prairies, oak savannas, and thickets, as well along the edges of rocky upland woods.
Plant grows to around 5 feet in height and produces feathery plumes of yellow flowers that bloom from September to November.
Contrary to popular belief, Showy Goldenrod does not cause hay fever as its pollen is large and sticky and cannot become airborne. It just happens to bloom at the same time as ragweed, which is the true cause of hay fever!
A late-season pollen source, this stunning wildflower is a favorite of honeybees. It has also been used historically by Native American tribes for healing purposes, and to create strong yellow dyes from its flowers.
Direct sow in late fall by lightly pressing the seeds into the soil's surface. For spring planting, mix seeds with moist sand and store in the refrigerator for 60 days (cold stratification) before sowing.