THIS IS A POTENT 27X - 200X CAST spell called "GO FORWARD"
This spell derived from Olde Magick and this is very potent and amazingly powerful acceleration spell
This is RARE energy that Albina decided to begin sharing. This energy will align with you and empower and accelerate all of your progress and push you to move forward instead of remaining in a "comfort zone" and instead moving into unchartered territory.
Once you are compalled to achieve even a minor forward movement in your progress, this energy will accelerate and empower this action and propel you up to move forward in love, career, and to higher and better positions in life.
Albina says that you will find that you "sail past" the long and arduous tasks and goals that one normally must endure and achieve to gain progress and forward movement, She explains that this spell will help you to fly past all of the normal pathways and into the fast lane where going forward and beyond where one currently is very fast!!!!
Please allow 2- 5 days for this to fully align
Blessings and love