Albina says that "it has been utlilized for many decades as a means to bring one a clearing of love interference, open channels of communication and resolutions to love problems! She says that this form of Magick will " clear the murkiness or cloudy situations in love" She says that this activation consists of offering as Albina says " a renewed clarity of the path to love.
This new "view" of love and one's environment can grant a sense of certainty, diminished confusion, answers, knowldege and greater, advanced progress in love. She adds that it is also common for these same energies to grant one an elimination of chaos in love as a result of direct information in addition to "exquisite" dreams that will offer guidance and direction
The Sunlight upon Love- Albina says that this will grant "triumph over bumps or obstacles along one love path" by drawing in the energies to point one towards love resolutions, more immediate satisfaction and greater organization of relationships. Albina explains that one will notice that one becomes more "positive, powerful and having faith in love as a result! She also notes that one will find "outcomes in relations are less frustrating and more enjoyable" as the positive energies begin to "turn the tides in one's favor"
Please allow these activation to align over 2-5 days