chocolate brown Via Spia Italian handbag

click picture to enlarge
purse shows lighter because of flash

click picture to enlarge

braided handles and metal zipper

click picture to enlarge
interior is suede cloth and has several pockets

click picture to enlarge

Beautiful Dark Chocolate Via Spiga handbag. Large metal buttons on the handle base, smaller ones on the lower body with a criss cross design. The handles are braided double handles and metal zipper closure. Measures 15 1/2" wide at base 4" deep 10 3/4" tall. Has 3 pockets on the interior, one cell phone, one open 5" and one zipper pocket on the other side. It rests on 4 button style feet. Very good used condition.
You will find that my customer service is A1. If you have a concern, a question, or a special request please contact me with any of those and I will get back to you ASAP.

Please pay at close of auction using paypal. failing to pay after 4 days constitutes a delinquent or non paying bidder and will be reported to for retrieval of listing fees. Or may be offered to the next bidder.

shipments go out within 24hrs of payment, exception weekends. The method of shipping will be unique to each ad.
But is usually USPS Priority, larger items are UPS.
Insurance, Is recommended on items over $20.00 and always REQUIRED on fragile items. If the item is lost or damaged during shipping, I will not be held responsible if you choose not to purchase insurance. Each item is generated manually and therefor mistakes in shipping charges can occur, please email me ahead of time to verify charge.

sale Template By Å¡ AuctionAccents 2005 -2006

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