Walking the path of light, unconditional love and peace
These Sacred Beads represent the embodied Sacred Feminine and Light of eternal love for Divine Presence. It supports divine love, trust, compassion, forgiveness, and eternal wisdom to walk the path in life with peace and understanding.
Created with 8mm Rudraksha Seeds, Silver Plated Beads, Glass and Crystal Glass beads to support the light within, balancing emotions and clearing past memories.
The Sacred Rudraksha Seed from the blue fruit of the evergreen "Elaeocarpus ganitrus" of the great Himalayas. The Rudraksha plant is believed to contains the secrets of the entire evolution of Cosmos within. It leads the wearer a peaceful life and supports higher states of meditation.
It stimulates, clears, and activates the heart and higher chakras, and it supports awareness, peace, harmony and healing.
All 108 beads are knotted wrapped with higher intentions and purity while the I am mantra is chanted.
I am One - Breathing In and Out
All is Well - representing Earth
Tassel – 100% Wool
In Love and Light
Discounts for wholesale (over $333 total purchase) code: wholeness