Silk Tree {Albizia julibrissin} Exotic Ornamental | Bonsai | 30 Pre-Stratified seeds 

The Silk Tree is a fast-growing, small to medium size, deciduous tree. 
It typically is found along roadsides, grasslands, vacant lots,
 clearings, or flood plain areas. The tree has a broad crown and may 
have single or multiple trunks. Its height typically ranges from 10-50 
feet and width spread 20-50 feet.  In 2006 a Silk Tree was found that 
measured 64 feet high and had a width spread of 80.4 feet. The tree 
tolerates summer heat, and its flowers prefer full sun. The limbs of 
the tree are weak and may be damaged by strong winds, snow, and ice. 
It is a short-lived tree with an average life span is 30 years. The 
leaves are fern-like in appearance and are very sensitive. The 
leaflets will close when touched and at nighttime. It blooms from May 
to July. The fragrant flowers appear to be pompom-like clusters of 
silky pink threads and measure about 1.5 inches long.  Bees, 
butterflies, and hummingbirds are attracted to this flowering tree. 
The fruits are flattened legumes and contain 5 to 16 seeds. The fruits 
first appear in June and typically mature from August to September. 
The seeds are easily dispersed by the wind, water, or by animals.