Batuev K.A. Lectures on the anatomy of bones, joints, muscles, large cavities, blood vessels, with the heart, nerves, respiratory organs, digestion, genitourinary and central nervous systems of the human body: Applied to studies by preparation on the corpse In Russian/Batuev K.A. Lektsii po anatomii kostey, sustavov, myshts, bolshikh polostey, krovenosnykh sosudov, s serdtsem, nervov, organov dykhaniya, pishchevareniya, mochepolovykh i tsentralnoy nervnoy sistemy cheloveka: Primenitelno k izucheniyu preparirovaniem na trupe. Soc. Prof. Novoros. unta N.A. Batueva. Odessa. Typolithography of the Staff of the Odessa Military District. 1907. VIII, 360 p. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb03e88cef833876bc